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Breastfeeding Positions for New Mothers

Writer: Charlotte WaltersCharlotte Walters

For new mothers, breastfeeding is a completely new skill they'll need to learn once the baby arrives. And unfortunately, every mother and baby will have unique needs and preferences, so experimenting to find which works best for you is key! Below is a visual guide to the five more common breastfeeding positions. We will attach informative videos on each of these below the photo to further assist you, should you require it.

Common breastfeeding positions poster
Photo Credit: Very Well

The Thompson Method Gentle Cradle Hold

This method is the most preferred for newborn or young babies, and is the most instinctuive position for us. Although it may be challenging to set up, once the baby has latched, its a comfortable feed for the mother.

The Cross-Cradle Position

The cross-cradle position is usually used during the early days of breastfeeding. It's beneficial as it allows better support of the baby's head, whilst they learn how to latch.

The Football Hold

If you've had a c-section, the football hold is an incredible position to breastfeed, as it avoids putting any weight on your belly. This position also allows you to see what is happening, and can therefore easily guide the baby to settle comfortably.

The Side-Lying Position

The side-lying position has numerous benefits for both the mother and baby. For example, if you have an oversupply of milk, side-lying breastfeeding can help your baby manage the flow of milk easily. This position is also easier for mothers when they're starting to relax for night time, or during night feeds.

The Laid-Back Nursing Position

The laid-back nursing position is great for every mother - regardless of whether they had a natural or c-section birth. Mothers should use a comfortable, reclined but not flat position, to feed their child. This position requires you to prop yourself up with cushions, and place your baby on your front, or to one side if it's uncomfortable.


For more information, please check out Pampers article on this too


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